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seo website optimization common problems and solutions

Source: Popularity: 2758 Time: 2021-10-29 10:24:58

seo Website OptimizationWhether it is friendly or not has a lot to do with its level of inclusion。The increase in the number of collection reflects that the website content is recognized by search engines, and the website content has a certain reading value for users。However, the number of included is also a problem we often encounter, although there are many similar articles on the Internet, but still can not avoid the problem of inclusion。Most of the time, the site is normal at first, but overnight, the site's inclusion of stars is zero。According to the conventional analysis, if the website is included as 0, there is no snapshot。At the same time, we can be sure that the site is K, which is also a big problem we often encounter in Chengdu seo site optimization, then how to solve?

1.Take a look at the site code to see if it is connected to a horse or black chain。

2.Check link。Delete bad links in time, the sooner you delete, the faster the recovery。

3.The grasping principle of search engine is analyzed, and the content part of website is reconstructed。

4.Check the frequency and speed of the increase of the external chain of the website, adjust the frequency and speed of the increase of the external chain in time, and prevent the increase of roller coasters。

5.Use a crawler simulation to verify that the spider crawls smoothly。

6.Check whether the space is stable. If it is not stable, replace it in time。

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